Kneaded Massage
Mobile Massage for the Camas Prairie

What to Expect

You may have some hesitations about what to expect for your massage treatment. I will run through my basic massage protocol (this protocol changes depending on the desired treatment):


- Up to 15 minutes before your scheduled session, I arrive at your residence.

- Following your direction on where in your residence you would like me to set up, I will bring in the appropriate supplies/equipment to set for treatment.

- While I am setting up for your treatment, I will have you fill out an intake and consent form.

- Upon completion of setup, I will review your intake form and discuss treatment plans.

- If you are not dressing down for your massage, you will now go on the massage table* and we will proceed with treatment.

- If you are choosing to dress down for your massage, at this time I will leave the room and allow you to dress down to your level of comfort and situate yourself on the massage table*. After a minute, I will verbally check in with you to make sure you are appropriately situated and ready for me to reenter the room.

- I will proceed with treatment.

- After the appropriate treatment time has passed, I will gently signal the end of treatment. If you are dressed down, I will again leave the room to wash my hands and allow you to exit the table and redress. If you had not dressed down, I will still leave the room to wash my hands.

- After you are redressed and feeling relaxed, I will clean and disassemble all of my equipment and wish you a blessed day!




*Some clients feel more comfortable being treated in their own furniture, or are not physically able to maneuver onto a massage table (ei: bedridden, disabled etc). I am open to working with you to allow you to experience the benefits of massage without having to compromise on your comfort.